Free Visual Art Workshops
Presented by Brisbane Festival and the Queensland Government
Join the gang, paint a portrait of someone new and feel the buzz of painting together. Your artwork will be added to the 'Love Machene', shining the headlights on the people who make our Neighbourhood Centres.
Visual art workshops and creative play for all ages and abilities.
Workshop locations and dates
Annerley Community Centre
Workshop dates: 22 & 29 Jul
Workshop days and times: Mondays 1:30pm–3:30pm
Yeronga Community Centre
Workshop 1: Thu 1 Aug, 10am–12pm (noon)
Workshop 2: Thu 1 Aug, 3:30pm–5:30pm
West End Community House
Workshop dates: Fri 12 Jul
Workshop times: 9am–11am
Kurilpa Kiosk at People's Park, Whoopee-Do Crew
Workshop Date: Wed 24 Jul
Workshop Day and Times: 10am–12pm (noon)
Warren Gould, Art Gang Member. Image by Sue Loveday.

Sue Loveday
Sue Loveday is a visual artist who works with the philosophy that gathering together to be creative is an age old human behaviour, generating ideas, esteem and connections that strengthen a community. With a background in illustration and design, and a love of drawing, painting and assemblage, Sue makes collaborative artworks with youth, elders and the marginalised. Her work begins with accessible hand crafted techniques and develops into digital animation or grass roots performance works.